Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fridays on the Farm

Fridays at the Farm from Coyopa Productions on Vimeo.

Feeling disconnected from their food, a filmmaker and his family decide to join a community supported organic farm. As he photographs the growing process, the filmmaker moves from passive observer to active participant in the planting and harvesting of vegetables. Featuring lush time-lapse and macro photography sequences compiled from nearly 20,000 still images, this personal essay is a father’s meditation on his blossoming family and community.

"Fridays at the Farm" originally aired on WYBE as part of the Philadelphia Stories series, and aired as part of The Green series on the Sundance Channel.

Writer, Editor, Photography - Richard Power Hoffmann

Sound Design and Score- Pete Tramo

Producer’s Rep- At Risk Films, Sarah Jo Marks

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Need you help

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